CASANA for Children with Apraxia
April 4, 2016
Children with apraxia of speech have great difficulty planning and producing the precise, highly refined and specific series of movements of the tongue, lips, jaw and palate that are necessary for intelligible speech. Scientific research on apraxia creates pathways and trails, allowing the rest of us to have a way forward.
Speech Delays: When to Worry
By Linda DiProperzio from Parents Magazine
While it's true every child develops on her own timeline, delays in specific milestones such as talking can leave many parents wondering, "Is my child on schedule?" Here are some answers to your baby-development questions.
The WALK for APRAXIA 2018
Why We Walk
At the Walk for Apraxia, we come together not only to celebrate the achievements of our apraxia stars, but to raise funds to support the programs that help our Stars shine. The Walk for Apraxia supports educational opportunities, referral services, awareness, financial aid, support for research, and much more. We are making our apraxia community tighter, stronger, and ready for the road ahead.
Speech Buddies
Speech is Important
Speech Buddies is on a mission to improve the lives of children with speech and language challenges. We help by connecting your family to the best speech therapists in your area and providing clinically proven practice tools that reduce treatment time. 1 in 10 children have a speech challenge - big or small, it affects your child. No matter what type of speech challenge you are trying to fix, Speech Buddies can help. Our clinically-proven practice tools work nearly twice as fast and our speech therapists are the best in the nation. We back all of our speech solutions with a 100% guarantee.
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